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Chinese Medicine Clinic

The Barzilai university medical center is glad to announce that the clinic of chinese medicine for orthopedic and pediatric therapy is open and for subsidized fees.

Traditional chinese medicine is a very ancient method for treating different diseases and prevention of diseases. It is a complex of multiple methods and the main one being accupuncture.

Accupuncture is the puncturing of the skin with tiny needles in specific points that affect different organs of the body. The number of points and needles used depends on the specific complaint but in children we use minimum needles, 1-3 needles.

What can be treated with accupuncture ?

During the last years lot of litterature about the advantages of accupucture in treating many health situations has been accumulating including neck pain, back and joints, headeaches and migraine, stress and depression and others. Accunpucture may also help in different symptoms during pregnancy, symptoms of heart disease and arrhythmias and lung disease.

In children accunpuncture has been found to be helpful in situations like asthma, recurrent stridor, recurrent ear infections, recurrent febrile diseases, abdomnal pain, constipation and even abdominal pain in babies.


Staff of Caregivers


Dr. Schtufman Gali - MD

Director of the complementary therapy at the Barzilai University Medical Center


She is the head of Nature Maccabi (HMO) section and accupuncture professional for children and adults. Dr. Schtufman studied acupuncture in the school of chinese medicine at Subei hospital in Yangshou in China. She engages chinese medicine with traditonal medicine for treating children since 2006 and is a lecturer in chinese medicine in Sackler school of medicine in Tel Aviv university. She serves also as a member of the executive committee of the complementary medicine society and the traditional chinese therapy association.


Noam Ezra - Dipl AC

Deputy Director of the complementary therapy at the Barzilai University Medical Center


Noam Ezra is a Shiatsu caregiver since 2003 and accupuncture caregiver since 2008, has enormous experience in treating pain. Until lately he was a lecturer in chinese medicine and shiatsu for orthopedic complaints and rheumatic diseases at the Tmurot and Meyrav colleges. He is also the head of the chinese therapy association and an instructor of martial arts since 1998. 

His main occupation at the Barzilai Medical Center is to treat pain at the orthopedic department and in hand rehabilitation clinic.


Kobi Shuvi - Dipl CM

Chinese medicine caregiver for children and adults


Kobi is a chinese medicine caregiver since 2005 and has great experience in treating orthopedic problems and rehabilitation. He uses chinese medicine for treating patients in the rehabilitation department at the Barzilai medical center, at the rehabilitation daycare center and hand rehabilitation daycare center.

Kobi works also in Meuhedet HMO and as a private caregiver.


Muhamad Rajby - DIP.AC

Chinese medicine caregiver


Muhamad rajby is a caregiver in reflexology since 2006 and in chinese medicine since 2011 and uses the method of Dr. Zhu Scalp accupuncture for neurological rehabilitation. He had vocational training in orthopedic problems in "Shiram" at the Assaf Harofe medical center in Israel and in internal medicne at the Israel Tan center. He works also at the Clalit HMO since 2014.


How is the treatment performed

Before coming to the clinic, the patient should prepare and bring important medical documents and in case of children their immunization record and records from baby care center. On the first visit, usually one hour, the caregiver will ask the patient about his complaint and his general condition and diseases, his medicines, his daily routine and about his emotional problems. Following this interrogation, the caregiver will examine the patient, estimates the number of treatments and start the first accupuncture session. The patient should stay with the needles for 20-30 minutes and in children for only several minutes. The following sessions will be shorter.


Clinic schedule


Complementary therapy for children : days Tue and Thu  between 15:00-17:00 - Location : Pediatric daycare clinic

Complementary therapy for orthopedic patients : days Sun  Tue  Thu between 15:00-17:00 at the rehabilitation center building


For an appointment   

972-8-6745207  or *5207    





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